Wood Biron

Biron, Wisconsin

Years in Operation:
85 years

Leading Harvest Program User:
Jim Burhite, Manulife Investment Management Farmland Management Services

Size of Operation:
494 Acres

Crop Type:

Objective 9. Local Communities

To operate safely and responsibly; contribute to the economic well-being, social networks and health of local communities; and to recognize and respect the rights of local communities and Indigenous Peoples in regions of agricultural operations.


Indicator 9.2.1 Community Engagement:
Engagement in positive relationships with neighbors and local communities thus raising the awareness of sustainable agriculture.

Leading Harvest Indicators at Work

  • Marsh staff regularly collect trash in the wooded areas, streams, and roadways of the operations’ surrounding communities.
  • Community cleanup efforts promote positive relationships with neighbors and contribute to sustainable living environments on and off the farm.

“Did you know?”

  • Jim Burhite, manager of Wood Biron, was introduced to the Cranberry industry at a young age while working on a variety of cranberry marshes with different family members. He was 18 years old when first employed at Wood Biron and has never regretted becoming a cranberry farmer, or otherwise affectionately known as a “Martian”.
  • Jim worked his way up to Marsh Manager, and believes that by learning all the different components of marsh operations he has become a well-rounded and proud cranberry farmer.
  • The enjoyment in seeing his children on the bogs and surrounded by nature, while at the same time learning how to protect the environment, are among Jim’s favorite parts of his job.