Open call for nominations to join the Leading Harvest Standards Committee

Opportunity to join a leader in sustainability – growing a healthier future and advancing agriculture from the ground up

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Leading Harvest, a nonprofit agriculture sustainability organization, is seeking nominations for members of its Standards Committee to guide stakeholder input for the innovative Leading Harvest Farmland Management Standard (LH Standard).

The LH Standard is a universal, outcomes-based sustainability standard focusing on farm management and continual improvement. It is applied across diverse farming operations and crop types globally with almost 3 million acres now enrolled. Conformance to the LH Standard requires independent, third-party auditing around 13 core principles of sustainability and continuous improvement. (Learn more about the Standard at

Leading Harvest invests in the credibility and transparency of its standard through a tricameral Board of Directors. an Independent Review Panel, and a five-year Standard revision cycle inviting public comment. The Standards Committee guides the revision cycle process to ensure that the LH Standard evolves based on best agricultural practices, the latest scientific findings and agronomic knowledge, and societal expectations for sustainability.

Criteria & How to Apply

Standards Committee members must have experience with voluntary standard programs. Applicants may nominate themselves or someone else. To apply, please send a cover letter and CV to In your letter please declare and justify which sustainability chamber (economic, environmental, social) you are applying to.

About Leading Harvest

Leading Harvest mobilizes the entire value chain through third-party audited standards, outcomes-driven collaborations, and a learning network to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and resilient global agricultural system. The 501c(3) nonprofit organization created an innovative, third-party audited Farmland Management Standard, which is a universal, outcomes-based sustainability standard focusing on farm management and continual improvement. The Standard has been applied across diverse farming operations and crop types globally with almost 3 million acres now enrolled. Leading Harvest Founding Supporters include Cargill, Nestlé, John Deere, and Nutrien Ag Solutions. Learn more at