Leading Harvest Names Peter Miller Director of Supply Chain Engagement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, January 8, 2024

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Miller will lead the global nonprofit organization’s industry outreach across the agricultural supply chain.

SEATTLE, WA, January 8, 2024 – Leading Harvest, an industry leader in agriculture sustainability, has named Peter Miller its Director of Supply Chain Engagement. The newly created role will oversee industry outreach for the nonprofit organization as it mobilizes the entire agricultural value chain through third-party audited standards, outcome-driven collaborations, and a learning network.

Miller joins Leading Harvest with more than a decade of experience developing and implementing sustainability strategies within a corporate setting and across supply chains. His work has included directly collaborating with farmers and implementing innovations in regenerative agriculture both domestically and internationally. He has led operations, strategy, and consulting for startups, NGOs, and global ventures, as well as worked on small and large farms in the United States and abroad.

“I am thrilled to welcome Peter Miller to Leading Harvest’s growing team,” says Kenny Fahey, CEO and President of Leading Harvest. “Peter’s diverse experience working with farmers to develop mutually beneficial partnerships and solutions will be an incredible asset to Leading Harvest’s continued growth and global expansion. Peter will play a critical role in helping advance Leading Harvest’s mission by engaging companies across the agricultural value chain to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and resilient global agricultural system.”

Miller co-founded Sustain-A-Grain, a leading producer of Kernza, the first perennial grain available in the United States. He worked across the Kernza value chain from seed production to agronomy, processing, raw materials sales, product marketing, and food science innovation, developing and managing working relationships with purchasers at major beverage and food companies.

“I am eager to work with an organization like Leading Harvest that can realize immediate and large-scale impact via existing supply chains,” says Peter Miller, Director of Supply Chain Engagement. “A universal sustainability standard is critically needed in the agriculture sector, and I am inspired by Leading Harvest’s vision and progress so far. I look forward to deepening the organization’s impact across the value chain.”

Miller graduated from Bethel College in North Newton, Kansas, and earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. In 2015, he received the 2018 Young Alumnus Award from Bethel College for his work in entrepreneurship and agriculture.

Leading Harvest created and maintains an innovative, third-party audited Farmland Management Standard, which is a universal, outcome-based sustainability standard focusing on farm management and continual improvement. The Standard is applied across diverse farming operations globally with almost 3 million acres, comprised of more than 100 different row and permanent crop types, now enrolled. Since its launch in 2020, the organization has expanded to Australia and is currently piloting its program in Canada.

A photo of Peter Miller can be found here. More information on Leading Harvest can be found at www.LeadingHarvest.org.

About Leading Harvest

Leading Harvest is a nonprofit organization that mobilizes the entire value chain through market-driven and third-party audited standards, outcome-driven collaborations, and a learning network to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and resilient global agricultural system. It created and maintains an innovative, third-party audited Farmland Management Standard, which is a universal, outcome-based sustainability standard focusing on farm management and continual improvement.